Practical cooking experience for primary school children.
Primary School
Primary Schools
Live Learn Cook provide practical cooking and nutrition awareness activities for primary children at all stages and ages. Sessions focus on engaging children to learn the skills to enable a healthy attitude to food. In addition to this of course, cooking activities teach so much more than just how to prepare food!
All equipment and ingredients are provided and activities are priced according to these.
Programmes can be designed to meet the curriculum need of the school and the specific sessions held will be influenced by the facilities you have on site and the children we are working with. We closely follow the School Food Plan and the National Curriculum requirements for cooking and growing in schools.
What we offer
We provide after School Clubs, PPA Cover and regular lessons.
We have a range of programmes that can be delivered to all ages but each programme is adapted according to the schools needs;
Some schools choose to subsidise after school clubs but they can be run independently if enough children take part. We can book for a term or a full year. For after school activities we take full responsibility for ensuring pupil safety and communicating with parents and use social media to help raise the profile of the activities.
Curriculum Days
If a long-term commitment doesn’t suit your school why not book us for a full day of food activity; we can work with individual classes or even the whole school to provide a bespoke event on a theme of your choice; following a school theme or event, running a healthy eating day or perhaps a farmer’s market or enterprise event. We keep costs as low as we can but they are of course determined by your requirements and facilities.
Healthy Breakfast Clubs
We can run a morning session where children make a healthy breakfast dish and then eat it before the school day. No soggy porridge for us, lots of fruit, energy giving carbohydrates and healthy choices.
‘I Can’ skills course
A great end of term activity for year 6 (or great team builder at the start of the year) set them up with the basic skills they need to be able to prepare healthy meals for themselves and make them the envy of the other children in year 7. Can be planned as 3 Sessions or 1 long morning. Children will learn to peel and chop safely, focus of choosing a healthy balanced diet and know what to do with basic healthy ingredients and of course make some nice food to eat!
Family Support Workshops
Cooking is a fabulous medium for developing relationships between children and parents but often something that doesn’t happen in homes. We can provide all the equipment and support required to enable small groups to work together in a relaxed but structured manner to cook a healthy meal to take home, whilst developing communication, confidence and a time to talk.
Available as a set of sessions or just book a session as required.